Speaking of Dada

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Where is the voice of the moderate?

I am a pretty levelhaeded guy. For example, one time I was riding shotgun in my friend's car and my girlfriend was in the back seat. He pulled out of a parking lot, making a right into the left lane of a two lane road, but did not immediately realise what he has done, even though there was a car comming right at us, only a few seconds away. My girlfriend was so terrified that she couldn't speak, but I immediately just say "dude" in a very calm voice, and he realises what is going on and switches lanes. In certain situations it pays to be calm. Another good example of such a situation would be the war that Hezbollah and Israel are waging against one another right now. Neither side has used much calm/restraint in the past couple of weeks, and it has lead to a confluict that has the potential to blow up into a full scale, multi-nation war. Obviously Hezbollah began the whole thing, and Israel has every right to protect itself, but this whole thing has gotten out of hand. The problem is that one can not use diplomacy to resolve disputes with terrorists, at least not the kind of diplomacy where both sides sit down at a table and talk out their differences. This is the ultimate quandry in the Middle East. Iran famously lost it's diplomatic relations with the U.S. when it held it's deplomats hostage for over a year following the fall of the Shaw. Even after Pearl Harbor, the U.S. and Japan still negotiated to have each other's diplomatic teams returned unharmed. That is how "civilized" coutries do business, and unless the radicals in the mid-east are willing to try diplomacy with Israel, instead of guns, and bombs, the past two weeeks will be an ever recurring nightmare. Why is it so hard to just talk? Where does all the hate come from? I will likely never be able to understand, and for that I am thankful. I don't really want to take too hard a look into the the mind of the mid-east because I am far more comfortable living in the more levelheaded realm. One might argue that to be able to slove the problems of the mid-east you must first become more knowlegeable about where they all are comming from. but i disagre. I think that people in the mid-east know too much about their problems, and they need to step outside them any chance they get. It makes no rational sense to want to blow yourself up, or to kill a peacemaker like Rabin because you are mad that he gave too much to your "enemy". Who is the enemy in the middle east? Ultimately, everyone. The extremists keep the fires of hate burning hot, which helps to drive the conflict, and the moderates are so ineffectual and lacking in numbers that they can never end the conflict for good. I am so sick and tired of caring about this part of the world. Why will it never end? why aren't there peacemakers on both sides? Lebanon was doing great. It had been a punchline as the only place more dangerous than downtown Detroit, but recently it had become something of a tourist center, a place people wanted to go and spend money, but that now they can't run from fast enough. What is Hezbollah's interest? Is getting rid of Israel such a priority that they would risk the destruction of their country for the second time in 25 years just to see all of the Israelis dead? It makes no damn sense, but many people in Lebanaon are still pro Hezbollah because it is Hezbollah that takes care of them during the conflict because the Lebanese government is not very strong. Profirio Diaz, a former dictator of Mexico once said, "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States." Well, one could say of Lebanon, "Poor Lebanon, so far from God, and right smack dab in the middle of the middle east." The voice of the moderate is all that can save it and Israel from further destruction.


  • Sing it, brotha!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:56 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:11 PM  

  • Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:26 AM  

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