Speaking of Dada

Monday, December 04, 2006

Why Iraq you ask? Cause we want to waste thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and all our international politcal capital for a lark. Ha Ha Ha!

It seems to me that the Bush administration knows that success in Iraq is very unlikely. With the stories comming out recently about the Hadley and Rumsfeld memos, it seems clear that the administration knows how bleak the picture in Iraq is. But they don't want to admit that to the public because they are affraid that the public will force them to get out quickly which could badly destabalize the region and create even bigger problems for the U.S. than presently exist (e.g. total anarchy in Iraq that helps export unrest and terrorism to the whole middle east and the U.S. as well). I am so pissed at this administration for getting us into Iraq. They have created a situation that is absolutely impossible. Option 1: pull out of Iraq before a stable government is in place, and inevitably watch the country tear itself apart. The instability in Iraq becomes the perfect Al Qaeda breeding ground, while also allowing our good buddy Iran to gain ever greater influence in the region. Eventually this cest-pool produces terrorists who committ another 9/11, helping to reignite another protracted American stay in the region. Thousands more Americans die, billions more are spent on defense. Option 2: Stay in Iraq until 'the mission' is 'completed' and we are 'successful.' Why are we in Iraq? What are we hoping to accomplish there? If you want to create a stable democracy then we are going to be in Iraq for a while. Iraq is in a civil war now, and this war was started by Bush, not Zarqawhi. Anytime you remove a dictator as well as his entire military leadership from power and try to replace it first with a foreign dictator (L Paul Bremmer) and then with a democracy with no experience, you are inviting a civil war. This is all Bush's fault. This was inevitable and that is what these cocky fools that we elected just do not understand. This is not some game that you play in a think-tank. Nation-building is not something that you can force on a people. You need to have leaders in the country with the will to see what is ultimately and incredibly difficult process through. The reason we lost in Vietnam, and the reason we are losing in Iraq, is that the leaders with the will to see their vision through are not our guys. Ho Chi Mihn had the will, Muchtada al Sadr and his ilk sadly have the will as well. Malaki does not have the will. Iraq is Balkanizing because there is no Tito to hold it together. There is nothing our billions can do to stop that now. We could also just stay in Iraq until we can facilitate some sort of orderly partitioning process. That would seem to be the best option, but that to will take a while. The civil war in Iraq has taken on the feel of genocide at times now, as whole neighborhoods of Suni and Shia are executed by roving gangs. How can we get out of this?
I knew this was going to happen. I remember during the whole build up three years ago, everyone was talking about the distinct religious and ethnic groups within Iraq, and how Sadam had been able to keep them from killing one another. I knew that after we got rid of him we were eventually going to have a civil war. Why was it so obvious to me and not to anyone in the White House? I will wonder that, and why the hell anyone (I am talking to you Paul Wolfowitz you stupid egotisitical bastard) thought invading Iraq would be a good idea till the day I die. What does Iraq have to do with Al Qaeda? NOTHING!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! WHY WHY WHY WHY?????????? But now thanks to these egotisitcal fools we have the emortal question that the Clash posed to us, should we stay or should we go? If we go it will be trouble, I we stay it will be double.


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