Speaking of Dada

Monday, April 16, 2007

What is it about April?

T.S. Eliot called April the "cruelest month." It was certainly cruel to students at Virginia Tech today. It was also cruel to Columbine students 8 years ago. I don't know that there is a connection, but this is a weird month. Hitler was born in April. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Lincoln were both assassinated in April. Who knows. All I know is that I hate seeing what happened at Virginia Tech today. That's a pretty obvious statement, but there just seems to be so much violence in this country some of the time, and of such a senseless nature. Other countries have school murders, but nothing like this. 33 people shot and killed! By one person! This has got to stop. At some point people in this country are going to get tired of the NRA's answer to this kind of thing, and they are going to demand tighter gun control to protect our youth.

As an aside, I never understood why the Brady Bill was controversial. Oh no, a mandatory 3 day waiting period and a background check before I can buy a hand gun. The way some people responded to that you would think Bill Clinton has just ceremoniously defecated on the U.S. Constitution. The second amendment doesn't say that government can't regulate arms. It just says that people have a right to bear them. Well, guess what, every single right in the Bill of Rights is limited by government to some degree or another, and has been since the founding of the Republic. Why, because it would be stupid to uphold rights to the detriment of society. One's right to buy a hand gun whenever one wants to should not be upheld to the point where it allows crazy people to buy guns and kill lots of people. Most Americans would agree to that, but the NRA is so powerful that it never seems like they do.


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