Speaking of Dada

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Mind over Reason

Life is hard. Start out in one direction, end up some place else. THink you have it all figured out. Then you don't. WHat's the right decision for you. Who are you? You're going to be spared. Spared what? What is it that you're going to do? Too many questions maybe. Time to get down to brass tax. How much for the Ape? Diversion. Deception. You end far away, mixed up in some kind of cult in Arizona. The art you make today won't be appreciated for 100 years. You are of a different time, lost in world that is behind you , unable to make it to your true present. WHere are your lovers? HOw can it be that so many people hate you? All you do is make love to their minds. They hate you for having brought them this far, only to show them 10,000 more miles of desert. Pace. Keep pacing yourself. There is further to go, then they are willing to follow. You will have to strike out alone. Bravery in the face of defeat. Your only friend is your head. Don't lose it.

If I made a promise to you do you think I'd keep it.


That's good.


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