Speaking of Dada

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not Much Doin'

I'm wondering when the democrats are going to start actually accomplishing things in Washington. Since they've been in office, they have only managed to engage in some meaningless fights over the Iraq War with Republicans that they were bound to lose anyways, created a sense of impropriety around the Bush Justice Department by overly-investigating the firing of U.S. attorneys (the law is political!!!! no! get serious!), and generally made a lot of noise without much resonance. Where is the minimum wage bill? Where is environmental legislation? Even this new immigration bill was crafted largely by the White House, even if it does concede plenty to the democrats. Nancy Pelosi's first 100 hours or whatever was a joke. They can't even pass ethics reform, and it was the patent need for ethics reform that brought the democrats into office in the first place. I know that politics is often a frustratingly slow business, but enough with the pontificating already. Let's get down to business.


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